
Training Offered

With over 20 years of experience within the analytical laboratory industry, Lorca Consulting offers a complete solution in providing training for the insurance industry!

First Contact & Pre-Inspection Assessment

Correct information gathering.

Gathering the Correct Evidence

Knowing what to look for, general knowledge, sampling and how to sample, amount and nature of samples required, transportation of samples and precautions to consider.

Site Investigation

Analytical approach and inspection, photographic and video evidence.

Test Methods

Available test methods, what methodology will offer the best scientific data as indisputable evidence.

Solar Installations

Types, Basics, Hazards.

Lorca Consulting provides real case studies in courses to foster a practical understanding.

You may be an insurer that wants to determine if a claim is factual, you may be a brokerage that wants fair compensation
for your client, or you may be a claimant that feels that your claim was inadequately assessed.

Lorca Consulting is ready to assist.